Gimme some time.. I'm


June 11, 2010

Disaster in the making :/

It's been awhile, I know. Boo me.

For starters, I met someone. He's sweet, goofy, and rugged handsome; and the best part! He's not a dream I had the other night. Though, I may have had a couple dreams about him. Anyway! For his privacy, I will forever call him Trooper. Any guess on what he does for a living? lol Well, like all men, Trooper has a downside; a 900 mile downside! Yes, You've guess it. He lives 900 away from me. Did I plan to meet a great guy and partake in the epic adventure known as long distance dating? Uhh, Heck no, and for those of you following this blog, ya'll know how far that's gotten me. Uhh, Nowhere. I can't yet tell if I'm a romantic or a martyr. I guess if you twist it, they could be the same thing. I digress...
I met him at a local hangout and we hit it off. It wasn't until I was completely smitten that I realized that the odds of us working out were slim to none, and I should have just left the night at that and went on with my life. But, c'mon, it's me and we know what I did next. Did you guess that I got his number and planed on spending the next night with him? You're damn right I did! He was sexy, and I couldn't resist. After an incredible second night, I realized I was in trouble; I like him. No worries; no way would he feel the same. Men aren't like that anymore.
Wrong again. So the next day i tagged along as he and his buddy went to get presents for back home. Mind you this was the last day he was in FL and though his father lived here, he didn't visit often. :/ It was another great day, unfortunately, and I planned to say goodbye forever. Next thing I know I'm taking them to Tampa to go to Ybor, pull an all-nighter, and drop them off at the airport by 7am. Now, I was thrilled to do this, but what about my sanity and hopes of having a reasonable, rational relationship? Ehhh, Screw it.So I'm saying goodbye, thinking- well, there goes that; and he pulls a "I'll call you". As great as the guy seemed, all I was thinking was, "Yeah, right."
Wrong, yet again.
Three days later, I fly up there to visit. (Here I go again with being crazy and spontaneous) I'm starting to wonder if I have a disorder for needing random change? Anyhow, It was amazing. I spend another week with him, and that was that. I suddenly found myself in a long distance relationship.
It's been almost a month since I last saw him, and while I still have some doubt- I'm realizing I'm falling in-love with him. I'm an idiot, and maybe this isn't what I think it is, but I guess I'll find out when I seen again- and even more so in time.

I'm planning on flying out tomorrow or Sunday, and I really hope it's still the same when I see him next. He actually wants to see me again, which is a step up from the last guy. haha. Plus he plans on coming down for the fourth of July and spending it with my family. :) He really is a good guy. I'm happy.

I recently quit my job- it made me so unhappy and I'm just going to pay my bills for the next two months and scrounge until I get a new one. (which I already have two lined up for when I get back) Plus, I have officially decided my calling was cosmetology. Hurray! So I'm planning on starting school for that soon. I just have to pick where I want to go. :)

In Other news :/ My brother has been going through a lot.
My mom and I had a great weekend in Orlando at a scrapbook convention that Sunday (Memorial day weekend) He was ran over by a car. To tell the story short, He laid down waiting for a friend under a basketball hoop in the driveway with other friends, and the driver came home, turned off his headlight to avoid shining them n the house and hit Cody. His face and skull were fractured, Arm broken and stomach had 3rd degree and 2nd degree burns from the car's exhaust sitting on him. He'll be fine- but the shock is sinking in and he has a very long recovery. It was purely an accident though, and the fact that he'll live and not be brain damaged or paralyzed in a miracle.

Well, That's it for today. Enjoy today's funny picture and I'll talk ya'll soon!


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