Gimme some time.. I'm


March 24, 2010

Get lost with LOST

Well, I guess I did do something tonight...
I watched LOST! There are only 8 episodes left before it's finally over and let me say, after watching for over 5 years!!, I finally think I can see the ending. Now ask any devoted LOST follower, You can't just turn on the t.v. and start watching the show now; nor can you have seen the first couple seasons or a season here and there and expect to know what's going on. C'mon now! Those of use who watch it week to week barley know what's going on. NOw I can understand some of you are rolling your eyes towards the whole LOST phanomanon, but I can't help myself... Im hooked! It's not like I even want to watch it (okay I do) but mostly I just have to see it through. Even if they make the ending stuid (which they might) and I still have most of my origional questions unanswered (whish is likely) I got know one thing!! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT ISLAND? Now this week we've dicovered what the black smoke really is (HURRAY!) and why richard is so damn old, and next week's spoiler look like Locke (who is the black smoke guy and not really locke because he dead-- sorry if you didnt know, too bad if you don't care. lol) is going to try to kill the Oceanic 6. Dun Dun DUN!!! lol

My mom and I spent some quality time curled up under a blanket watching, while graping each others hand in anticipation. I'm telling you now, my mommy has quite the grip!! My hand was numb. lol

Anywho, My other shows are Bones, Fringe, Grey's Anantomy, and Private Practice. Yeah, Yeah... I have no life. lol && now thanks to the four episode recap after lost of the new show "V", I'm now thinking of adding that to my "Have No Life" list. lol


P.S. I hate how all my pictures are getting cut off! It's just annoying.

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